What can I say, Keybol ... You've done it again - you just made yet another amazing game :)
Waiting for the next ones ;)
What can I say, Keybol ... You've done it again - you just made yet another amazing game :)
Waiting for the next ones ;)
Thanks Prid! And I love the walkthrough you made! I wish to use it for certain websites
Good start for a Guitar Hero game!
Nice and easy start of a new game. You should change the Controls to something much easier to understand like: Q W E R T or S D SPACE K L
And this may be the easy part. But wait for when you add Music. It will be alot more harder!
Good Luck ;)
Thanks for giving me a good review instead of the crap most people say, I'll change the controls.
Maby you know some nice songs you want in the game?
Also thanks for the good luck.
This Game Is Just Pure Awesome! You Should Be Proud Of Yourself, That You Made Such A Great Game, And Finally Got Popular And Got A Place On The Top 5 Of The Day! You Really Deserved It ;)
And Since I Really Loved The Game, I Just Couldn't Close The Window Without Beating It, So I Did! And Since The Game Is Kinda Hard On Some Levels, I Am Making A Video Walkthrough For This Game, And Will Let You Know As Soon As It's Made ;)
Thank you very much! I might consider linking to it for help inside the game!
Now This Is Just Pure AWESOME! An Awesome Game I Don't See Everyday! A Puzzle Game With 80 Levels, That Is So Sweet! I've Only Completed The 1st World, And I Really Want To Take A Break, But I Don't Want To Close The Game, So I Just Wantd To Ask You: "Is There A Save Button, Or Does It Auto-Save, Or, Doesn't It Save?"
And I Don't Think, killerman240 Beat The Whole Game! Well, Not In Only 1 Hour, The Game Is Really Sweet! I Will Be Looking Forward For Your Next Game, Cause You're A Real Game Developer, And The Art Is Also Really Great, Especially The Gems And The Shine ;)
As I Said, It's An Amazing Game, And You Must Really Be Proud Of Yourself! And Did You Play Straight In 5 Hours To Complete The Game, Or Did You Take Break. However, Please Answer My Questions As Soon As Possible :D
Is There A Solution Video For This Game? If Not, I Guess I Could Make One! But In My "Top 10 Games Of The Week" Videos On YouTube, This Game Will Defitinely Be On The Top 10 Of Week 36 ;)
Thanks for the review Prid-Outing!
The game autosaves your progress. You can safely close your browser, take a break, and return later on the same level that you left the game at. Enjoy!
I JUST LOVED THE GAME! Really fun to play... And maybe you should add levels. And when you're done creating 3 big gloms of 3 different colors, I think the level should stop then! Other than that, REALLY GREAT!
I thought of doing a level based game originally, but it didn't turn out right. It was too easy to reach predefined objectives.
I still remember when I played: Point&Click Adventure PT1. And this one is even more awesome! Hope to see more from you!
And for those you yet haven't finished the game!
1. Click the down arrow to turn around, and take the thread-ball!
2. Click the area between the BookShelf and the Mattress to reveal The Red Fuse! Take it!
3. Go all the way back to where the two doors are, and click the LEFT one! Take the bread and the items from the two cupboards! Items: ScrewDriver, Stick, Yellow Fuse.
4. Go back to where the two doors are, and get inside the RIGHT one!
5. Once inside, take the Green Fuse right to the cranny.
6. Open up the inventory bar and click the combine button. Once clicked, click the thread-ball and then the stick to combine them!
7. Click the cranny and then take the NEW TOOL to fish the Blue Fuse up!
8. Click The Fuse Box to open it, and then insert all of the 4 fuses to where they belong. Once finished, click the yellow trigger!
9. Go back to where the two doors are, and get inside the LEFT one! Go into the new room!
10. Take the CinderBlock and click the RIGHT-ARROW! Click under the table to reveal the valve. Take it!
11. Use the ScrewDriver on the Vent and get a Toaster!
12. Click the LEFT-ARROW and use the valve on Water Pipe. When you've done that, turn it on and wash yourself!
13. Go back to where the two doors are and put the Toaster on the floor where the plug is. Once that is done, put the bread in the Toaster and wait for it to warm. When that is done, eat the bread!
14. Get inside the LEFT door and go into the NEW ROOM! Click the RIGHT-ARROW and use the Cinderblock on the window to break it and get outside!
15. CONGRATULATIONS! You made it, out of the house :D
Video Walkthrough: fHgho [Remove Space]
A video walkthrough already? DAYUM
Hopefully people will try to complete themselves first
Great game! I've also made a similar game like this before you. But there you have to find a star, but this game is WAY TOO BETTER THAN MINE :D
This game is totally awesome, and I love your games. They are so creative and excellent drawn. Wish I was as creative as you, and as good in actionscript as you :D
Only ONE question: "Isn't your games supposed to be for kids? You made the Retardo and the Iron Golem violent, is that supposed to be for kids? And you had a mini-game in this game, where a NUDE girl was shown, and you even did show her BACK!!!!"????
Thank you for your great comments! Yes my games are for kids but I don't follow the usual censorship guidelines set by others. I use my own judgement in what I think would be acceptable and also sometimes I push the boundaries. As a kid I used to play games, watch movies and I don't believe that it has warped my mind in any way. In fact I believe it has made me more creative. I believe it's up to the parents to teach their kids whats right or wrong. If all that is influencing a childs mind is a computer game or a violent action movie then the parents aren't doing their job :)
Also, I don't think that I'll corupt a million kids by showing a nude cartoony girl from the back :)
Thanks for playing and keep making games! I hope you can play more of my games in the future!
But I gave you a 8/10 because it's a bit confusing. How can the name of the person who made the first game be in the game when you submitted it? And if the game is called for Redstar Fall Pro, why did you call it for Redstart fall 2? I think that if the rightful author would have submitted the game, he would have remembered the BIG F on Fall and he also would have written a text on the author comment. So I think this is AWESOME game is not submitted by the rightful authot. Pardon me if I am wrong!
Well i am the maker of this and nr 1 im working for armor games but i just figured that il lay my games in here too but nr 1 is already layd out from a friend so i dont mind :)
And well
i did name it 2 and armor games made it pro becourse its hard to play
I have all the medals except the first one. On my last try, I only died once on the boss level. Great game, BABY!
Really great game there MindChamber. I loved Castle Crashing the beard and I also love this one. I was hoping that the uniform would change after leveling up, but no! Anyways, AWESOME GAME! Only ONE question:
" I played the game and earned three medals, but I didn't achieve them on my account. And I also was logged in, right now "
weird, they worked for me, try refreshing your page
Age 29, Male
Halden, Norway
Joined on 8/7/06