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Your good at scripting 3D!

Little Walkthrough!

Well... Maybe some of you dont know how to solve the first puzzle machine... YOu know the place, you have to go underwater. Its simple, cause there are some Letters and numbers written on the "tower". A II, C III, B I. The I's stands for numbers in the rome numbers. I = 1, II = 2 & III = 3. A 2, C 3, B . Its simple, A, B & C its the rows (The line that goes down from left side) & II, III & I for the columns (The line that goes from left to right)... Simple.

1. Click on the second button on the first raw
2. Click on the third button on the last raw
3. Click on the first button on the second raw

Hope it helped.. ;)

But, could someone give a walkthrough for the second puzzle machine, that is placed at the top of a house.. PLZ!

Puzzle 1


For those who dont know how to solve the Q-1 Q-2, R-4, etc. PUZZLE:

I found it out.. If you look at the top of the tower in the recent area, you'll see that it stands: R-V... R for the letter R.. But there are no V in the puzzle. If you know about the rome numbers. The V on the rome numbers is 5. So the puzzle code is: R-5

Hope it helped! PS: After you've entered the code, you must get out of it and click on that thing on the tower (dont remember what it is called for)


The best GAME!

But i liked Castle Crashers much better.. Cause of the levels.. !

but great GAME! And i beated it in first try.. .MY HEART WHERE SHAKING!!

I WAS AFRAID TO LOOOOSE! It was good that you maked those healths, or i would be dead by now.. And it WAS CRAZY!!! 4-5 BOSSES!


Waiting for the Next One Level Game...

Name it: The Third One Level Game, or... The Other One Level Game

No Way!

This is the best of the others... KEEP THE WORK UP!

Waiting' til the NEXT Collab! That Gonna rock everyones's a*s


That was great... It tooked me approx 23 minutes...

Click the globe twice near Mr Soggy's table and get a chewing gum.
Pick up a ruler on the classroom table.
Combine the ruler with the chewing gum. Use the combination together with the airvent and you will get a rubber band.
Shoot the rubber band onto Mr Soggy's glasses. Get the glasses.You can leave now.
Pick up a penny you see on the floor outside Mr Soggy class.

Go to the library and give Mr Soggy's glasses to the librarian and you'll get a free bookmark.

Combine a bookmark together with the chewing gum on the ruler.

On left,Go to male toilet door and get a toilet paper. Put inside the toilet bowl and flush it with a flusher.

There's a penny outside female toilet.

Head to the supply closet and use the ruler and bookmark combination to reach a dime on top of the bookshelf.

Another penny near the staircase to your left.

Go up the stairs and move to your left.A penny seen on the floor again outside Mrs Flask room.

Click to the right twice and go to Janitor's closet. A quarter coin is found under the chair.

Walk back and talk to a person stuck inside the red locker.

Move to your right again and get a penny on the floor.Open your yellow locker and reach for another penny(nickel).

Go downstairs and talk to a person in teachers' lounge. "ask about Richy..."

After short conversation, get a penny(nickel) from second drawer. You should have fifty cents already.

Click left arrow twice and go to Miss Count's room.A button is hidden inside monkey dolls near Miss Count's table. Its obvious. Pick it up.

Go upstairs again and turn to your left.Open the door of Mrs Flask room. Use the button together with the small hole of button-making machine and you will get a "science rocks" button. Get it.

Leave outside and head to Mrs Oddverb's room which is on the right end.Pick up the small note on the blue table.
Password combination is blobbles 53788078. (for the red locker which someone is trapped inside.)

Give the button to Richy found inside Mrs Oddverb's room.You will get extra penny for it.

Go to lunch room downstairs and talk to Mrs Munch. She will give you a pudding.

Hand it over to Chubb.After that, head to the office door where Chubb was leaning at.

Talk to Mrs Mooses. "Sent to see Mr Potato.." and then "I'm awesome"
You will get to retrieve a key secretly from the counselor Mr Potato.

Finally, you can leave right out of school.

Did the Walkthrough helped you out?


Yo, man!

I've seen a .fla file in FlashKit.. So i wanted to ask you:

Did you put that in there?

Zain @Prid-Outing

Age 29, Male

Halden, Norway

Joined on 8/7/06

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